How to customize your shower Shower-buddy transfer system.
Your Shower buddy can grow with you
Shower buddy isn’t just one product – it’s an entire ecosystem designed to cater for the global mobility community’s needs. Shower Buddy provide solutions for different bathrooms, shower configurations, body types and support needs. In this article we’ll explain just how flexible the Shower buddy range can be.

Shower unit? Bathtub? Open floor? Sorted.
Shower buddy believes in giving as many mobility impaired users more freedom and dignity in the bathroom as possible. That’s why the range includes systems that cater for different types of bathrooms.
The solutions for the step-in shower can be adapted to suit various height shower trays and steps, reduced space in front of the shower opening, height of the seat and toilet clearance. You can also swap out the backrest – push handle to a straight handle without bend at the top to offer even more space saving.
A single person shower unit can appear challenging for someone with a disability, but the SB1 Shower buddy allows barrier-free transfer and comfortable showering thanks to its compact, sturdy shower base and free rotating movement, perfect for a carer to assist without hassle.
Bathtubs, too, are no issue with the SB2 and SB2T (tilting version) offering easy transfer over a bathtub. Shower Buddy help to ensure the best possible safety of users through the bath base that includes side stabilisers..
Supporting different user sizes
The Shower Buddy Roll-In range offers a number of options for users.
The standard SB6c Roll-In Buddy Lite offers users of up to 136 kg support But we also offer the XL and XXL Roll In models, which provide support for users up to 200 kg and offer two larger seat widths to best suit the user.